Oversete Nyheder (Unnoticed News) _ 2014
Project documenting the formal garden, Krinsen, at Kgs. Nytorv, growing into a wilderness of mixed wild and left cultural plants. The garden is closed off from 2012-2018 to the public during the building of the new metro and therefore is has been left to its own for the time being.
Kgs. Nytorv is the most important square in the heart of the old Copenhagen with several prestigious buildings surrounding it housing amongst others The Royal Theatre, The Royal Academy of Fine Art, The French Embassy and the luxurious hotel D'Angleterre. With theequestrian statue of King Christian the 5th in the center of the square it is of great national pride to many Danish people and it is therefore not any kind of garden growing wild. Hence the project documents not only the growing process, but also the reactions on this.
The newspaper came out for two months and was published as a "street newspaper" at three locations; Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Museum of Copenhagen and on Kgs. Nytorv itself, right next to the entrance of the building site.
Realized in collaboration with Copenhagen Museum as part of the exhibition Urban Nature / Byens Natur.
Listen to an Interview about the project (in Danish only). Broadcast on national radio, DR channel P1 "Natursyn". Find the podcast here: